Please find attached details of the tournament which Herefordshire SMBA are organising to raise funds for the MacMillan cancer charity. Macmillan Open Fours
Below is the explanatory e-mail from the Chair of Herefordshire SMBA:
“Good morning all,
I am emailing on behalf of Becci to confirm we have extended our deadline for entries to the Macmillan until 25th October. After a fantastic entry level last year, entries are concerningly low this year so if you have four players free, please do pop an extra entry together ahead of a day that is always filled with fun, enjoyable and competitive bowling, all for a very worthy cause. It is open to all players regardless of ability or registration.
I reattach the entry forms and all of the information to be returned to Becci ( as per the instructions. I have sent this email regardless of if you have already entered in case your club may want to enter another team 😊
Even if you are not interested, please pass onto your club members as they may be!”
Andy Todd
Secretary, GSMBA