Over 55 Pairs

New for 2017 the winners of the Over 55 Pairs County Championship receive the C & J Glass Cup while the runners-up receive the County Over 55 Pairs Plate.

2024/25Pam Belton and Tony SmithPhil Jennings & Ian Broderick
2023/24Gill Johnson & Stewart MinchewPhil Jennings & Ian Broderick
2022/23Phil Jennings & Ian BroderickMichael Dooley & Jill Dooley
2021/22Jan Jennings & Graham EwersGill Johnson & Stewart Minchew
2020/21No Competition 
2019/20Rose & Derek WilsonGill Johnson & Stewart Minchew
2018/19Stewart Minchew & Tony WheelerAdrian Attrill & Bob Wood
2017/18Gill Johnson & Stewart MinchewJan & Phil Jennings