County Captain/League Secretary/Draft Minutes of Meeting on 12 June


I’m pleased to announce that Monica Carter (Ripple) and Phil Jennings (Kingsway) will jointly take on the job of County Captain for the forthcoming season. This means that we will have a County team competing in the ICC as usual. Phil and Monica are currently sorting out dates etc and will probably be in touch to ask for players available to play in the County team in due course.

Also at the meeting Mike Wall stepped forward to take on League Secretary for this year, so we will also have a Winter League to interest us as well.

Our thanks to all three for coming forward, which allows us to continue our participation in ICC and to hold league matches for our member clubs.

Also attached are the draft minutes of the Management Committee meeting on 12 June 2023. As always, please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions, so that the minutes can be amended for approval at the next meeting, which will be at 7.00pm on 04 September 2023 at Kingsway Community Centre.

Andy Todd

Secretary, GSMBA