Dinton Open Tournament

Dinton Open Tournament

The Dinton Short Mat Bowls Open Competition is being held
on Saturday 16th March 2024 at Dinton Village Hall, Bratch Lane,
Dinton Wiltshire SP3 5EB.

Please find attached entry form for this event, which should be
returned no later than Saturday 2nd March 2024.

If you wish to enter additional teams the entry form may be photocopied.
All applications will be processed on a first come first served basis. Late applications will only be considered if room is available.

The fixture list and competition rules will be available at registration. You will be notified by phone or email if your entry was successful.

The price of £28 per team of 4 includes tea, coffee and biscuits available all day.
Please bring your own lunch and mug.

A raffle will be held and a donation would be appreciated!

I hope you will be able to join us for an enjoyable day’s bowling!

Yours Sincerely

Elsie Gale
Open Competition Secretary